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FoodService Europe & Middle East 01 vom 27.01.2015 Seite 052 bis 053


Making Progress in an Era of Change

Reaching for new opportunities: that was the headline topping the agenda at the 15th European Foodservice Summit held in Zurich last September. We asked participants from five countries around the world about the pros and cons of growth for the coming years, about important steps they have taken and their strategies to gain further ground. Part 2: foodservice operators from Germany and Greece. JPW/ir

[6639 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 1 vom 27.01.2015 Seite 52,53


Making Progress in an Era of Change

Reaching for new opportunities: that was the headline topping the agenda at the 15th European Foodservice Summit held in Zurich last September. We asked participants from five countries around the world about the pros and cons of growth for the coming years, about important steps they have taken and their strategies to gain further ground. Part 2: foodservice operators from Germany and Greece. JPW/ir

[6640 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 02 vom 22.04.2014 Seite 058 bis 059


Economics with a Human Face

Few European foodservice businesses have been untouched by the financial turmoil of the past five years. Yet is anyone any closer to understanding the underlying economics? Controversial Czech economist Tomás Sedlácek provided alternative insights and analogies when he spoke at last September’s 14th European Foodservice Summit conference in Zurich. Report by Bruce Whitehall.

[8013 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 2 vom 22.04.2014 Seite 58,59


Economics with a Human Face

Few European foodservice businesses have been untouched by the financial turmoil of the past five years. Yet is anyone any closer to understanding the underlying economics? Controversial Czech economist Tomás Sedlácek provided alternative insights and analogies when he spoke at last September’s 14th European Foodservice Summit conference in Zurich. Report by Bruce Whitehall.

[8014 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr. 06 vom 03.12.2012 Seite 060


Securing Growth in Difficult Times

Growing in a diverse economic future: this is how the 13th European Foodservice Summit defined the present global challenge facing the international professional catering community. The motto of this year's event was 'Ideas, Visions and Creativity' - and they are certainly more in demand than ever. We asked participants from six countries around the world about the pros and cons of growth for 2012+, about important steps they have taken over the last year and about their strategies for making further progress, even under difficult circumstances. Part 1: Foodservice operators from Finland, Egypt, Greece, Sweden and the USA. ir/MW/JPW

[14528 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.06 vom 02.12.2011 Seite 068


Sailing in Stormy Waters

'Facing the Winds of Change' was the motto of this year's European Foodservice Summit. We asked participants from eight countries around the world, how economic turmoil, unexpected social revolutions and increasingly incalculable trade cycles are affecting their business - and how they are dealing with it. Part 1: foodservice operators from Spain, Egypt, and Greece. JPW/BM/MW

[10462 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.04 vom 16.08.2010 Seite 045


Fearless yet Respectful

Despite the rediscovered love of traditional cuisine and regional dishes a change of image is essential for both domestic and ethnic restaurants. Folklore? No way! However, Italy's Costa Group is always a rich source of visual examples showing ways in which tradition can be oriented towards the future by a fearless yet respectful blend of references to the past and modern ideas. Some examples in Europe. MW

[5401 Zeichen] € 5,75

Lebensmittel Zeitung 47 vom 20.11.2009 Seite 045

Länderreport Griechenland

Vor Neuanfang mit "Wines from Greece"

Athen. Der Ex-Partner der Agentur PRC, Alexandros Kouris, hat den 300 000 Euro-Etat erhalten, um mit seiner eigenen Firma Altervision, Athen, das Konzept zu entwickeln, welches das Image des Weines aus Griechenland weltweit verbessern soll. Erwartet wird

[1581 Zeichen] € 5,75

Lebensmittel Zeitung 47 vom 21.11.2008 Seite 048

Länderreport Griechenland

Joghurt-Innovation lässt aufhorchen

Mevgal ersetzt bei "Yolive" das tierische Fett durch Olivenöl - Vertriebskooperation für Deutschland mit Emmi

Koufalia. Mit zwei Sensationen sorgte Mevgal in diesem Jahr für Bewegung im Markt: die Bekanntgabe der Zusammenarbeit mit Emmi in Deutschland und die Innovation "Yolive", cholesterinfreier Joghurt mit Olivenöl. Die Privatmolkerei Mevgal S.A. in Koufalia

[2733 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.04 vom 21.08.2008 Seite 060


Young Wine Lovers

Drinking wine is becoming increasingly popular among young adults in Europe and overseas. A Vinexpo study shows that consumers between 20 and 25 are discovering wine as an attractive, sophisticated beverage, that is enjoyed at home and beyond. A quick look at the findings. KaS

[14318 Zeichen] Tooltip
Wine Becomes More Popular - Countries with the highest wine consumption*
€ 5,75
