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    Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.05 vom 10.10.2008 Seite 008

    Food Festivals

    Turning F&B into an Event

    Generally speaking, everything revolves around fine dining and drinking when people get together to celebrate. Hence, it's no great intellectual leap to the idea of getting together to enjoy exclusive culinary delights in the company of like-minded people. The spectrum covered by such festivals ranges from elite gourmet dinners to mass picnics. In many cases, a multifarious programme attracts gourmets to scenic regions with their own culinary traditions, on which the festivals then focus. And, no less frequently, celebrity chefs, whose creations are normally reserved for their affluent guests, are only too pleased to demonstrate their skills - an ideal opportunity for lovers of the culinary arts to watch them at work, to learn and to enjoy. A pan-European survey.

    [55904 Zeichen] Tooltip
    Chefs' Ratings - Schleswig-Holstein Gourmet Festival 2008/2009

    NL/Belgium: other Festivals
    € 5,75

    Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr. 04 vom 11.08.2006 Seite 022

    Concepts to Watch

    Austria Canteen Enticing the Metropolitan Public What is almost certainly Vienna's most attractive canteen is the project of one of the city's best-known gastronomes. A visitor would hardly notice that Limes, the 'little sister' of Franz Haslauer's

    [15785 Zeichen] € 5,75

    Food Service Europe & Middle East Trend Edition 2005 vom 19.07.2005 Seite 021

    Concepts to Watch

    Fresh Ideas

    Young, creative concepts from all over Europe: our virtual study tour reveals a number of key trends. Apart from strong dynamics in the fast-casual field, there is a striking large number of concepts focusing on healthier menus and healthier ingredients in terms of organic products or fair-trade sourcing. Combined, multi-use options include a mix of foodservice and retail outlets/gyms. From Scandinavia to Italy, wine and wine bars are very much en vogue - including new self-service solutions.

    [49215 Zeichen] € 5,75

    Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.04 vom 30.11.2004 Seite 010

    Ice-Cream Stores

    Scoop-Shops on the Move

    Ice cream is a subject on everyone's lips. But if you thought people eat more ice cream in the sunny South, you're wrong: the Swedes are among the leaders of the international ice-cream consumption league, while the Italians and Spanish like their ice cream mostly in summer and, therefore, are rather middle-ranking European consumers. Sales channels show a generally wide variety and, in the foodservice industry, tradition is being increasingly confronted by the trend-setting lifestyle of international brands, in what was previously a market of only small independent outlets. The biggest challenge is the mainly seasonal nature of the business. Typical for the brands: they rely a good deal on synergies between retail and foodservice channels. A general survey of European markets.

    [39284 Zeichen] Tooltip
    NL/B: Top Chains


    USA Top 3
    € 5,75

    Food Service Europe & Middle East Trend Edition 2004 vom 20.07.2004 Seite 035

    Concepts to Watch

    Daring to Be Different

    Our colourful tour of Europe's foodservice scene focuses on young, unconventional concepts that dare to be different either in their entirety or in detail: ideas with innovative value added - original, striking and future-oriented. Some have already been multiplied. Most are still in the test phase. Behind the majority, you will find individual entrepreneurs - but not always. A kaleidoscope of creativity: be inspired!

    [44169 Zeichen] € 5,75

    Food Service Europe Trend Edition 2003 vom 22.07.2003 Seite 016

    Concepts to Watch

    >Get Inspired!

    Although business has slowed down in some European markets, innovation is still very much a key factor for success. It is particularly important for away-from-home locations to position themselves as attractive destinations. Country by country, our virtual study trip reveals new, successful concepts from all over Europe: a signpost to the future.

    [53278 Zeichen] € 5,75