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food service 12 vom 12.12.2014 Seite 10


Short Cuts

Jim Block: 10. Restaurant am Netz. Der Betrieb in Altona mit 425 qm offeriert Premium-Burger, Baked Potato, Salate und Co. Das Konzept der Block-Gruppe ist sehr viel älter als der aktuelle Trend zu Better Burgern. Starke Umsatzzuwächse. www.jim-block

[1250 Zeichen] € 5,75

food service 12 vom 12.12.2014 Seite 010


Short Cuts

Jim Block: 10. Restaurant am Netz. Der Betrieb in Altona mit 425 qm offeriert Premium-Burger, Baked Potato, Salate und Co. Das Konzept der Block-Gruppe ist sehr viel älter als der aktuelle Trend zu Better Burgern. Starke Umsatzzuwächse.

[1250 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 06 vom 01.12.2014 Seite 008 bis 021

Sushi Concepts

Increasing Popularisation

Some twenty years after Europeans first made the acquaintance of Japanese fast food, sushi has, for many city dwellers, become a well-established component of their diet. Foodservice entrepreneurs value the good margins and suitability for all possible formats, from take-aways and delivery services to fast casual and fine dining. As has always been the case, most of the markets are dominated by individual players. But, at the same time, there are some reliable brands, often brands with a strong sense of design, that are managing to establish themselves in a segment where confidence in the safety and quality of the products counts for even more than in many others. Part 2 of our pan-European survey.

[40064 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 6 vom 01.12.2014 Seite 8,9,10,12,13,14,16,18,21

Sushi Concepts

Increasing Popularisation

Some twenty years after Europeans first made the acquaintance of Japanese fast food, sushi has, for many city dwellers, become a well-established component of their diet. Foodservice entrepreneurs value the good margins and suitability for all possible formats, from take-aways and delivery services to fast casual and fine dining. As has always been the case, most of the markets are dominated by individual players. But, at the same time, there are some reliable brands, often brands with a strong sense of design, that are managing to establish themselves in a segment where confidence in the safety and quality of the products counts for even more than in many others. Part 2 of our pan-European survey.

[40065 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.01 vom 18.02.2011 Seite 008

Bakery Cafés

Growing Demand for Artisan Bread

Bakery cafés rank among the upcoming concepts in the European foodservice market. Their major strength: they not only satisfy the new consumer desire for hand-made food but are also ideal for take-away consumption and go perfectly with coffee specialities. In Germany, Switzerland and France in particular, stand-alone formulas compete with innumerable bakers' shops, many of which have sharpened the gastronomic profile of their retail-focused concepts to such an extent that they can rightly be counted among the most expansive players on the growing bread-foodservice scene. In North Europe, the preference for sandwiches of all kinds means good perspectives for bread specialists. And, after decades of Soviet mass production, Russian consumers are discovering the advantages and variety of hand-made bread. Part 2 of our pan-European survey.

[45211 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.05 vom 25.10.2010 Seite 008

Pizza Chains

Enduring Success in Difficult Times

Pizza is a component part of menus from Norway to Turkey. Originally eaten by poor people, the pizza began its triumphal march around the world in the mid-twentieth century. Now, it is served all over not only as a convenient, quick and cheap dish but also in expensive, up-market variations. Versatility is the main reason for the pizza's enduring success even in times of economic difficulty. In this issue, we focus on the motherland of the pizza, Italy, as well as on the interesting French, Spanish and Scandinavian markets. Part 2 of our pan-European survey.

[38360 Zeichen] Tooltip
Spain: Telepizza

Pizza: Top 5 Countries - Total sales in restaurants with pizza focus

Scandinavia: Pizza Chains
€ 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.03 vom 20.06.2006 Seite 008

Pizza Chains

Between Tradition and New Challenges

Pizza is one of the most popular food products throughout almost the whole of Europe. Chains specialising in pizzas are typical of the away-from-home market. Offering both delivery and quick or full service, many of them reported some good gains last year. However, almost all segments of the market are characterised by fierce competition and price-cutting, especially from cheaper individual players and the retail trade with its deep-frozen products. Part II of our pan-European survey.

[35989 Zeichen] Tooltip
Pizza Brands in Scandinavia 2005

Russia: Top Pizza Brands

CH: Pizza Top 5*
€ 5,75

Lebensmittel Zeitung 48 vom 01.12.2000 Seite 054

Länder Report Finnland

Der Nordische Raum gerät immer stärker ins Visier

Einzelhändler wollen sich jetzt auch in Finnland einkaufen, derweil finnische Unternehmen nach Russland und ins Baltikum expandieren

Helsinki, 30. November. Die Konzentrationsbestrebungen innerhalb der europäischen Handelslandschaft sind auch an Finnland nicht spurlos vorbeigegangen. Zwischen Kesko, dem führenden Einzelhandelsunternehmen des Landes, und der genossenschaftlich organisie

[6448 Zeichen] Tooltip
Nahrungsmittelexporte nach Produkten 1999

Nahrungsmittelexporte nach Ländern
€ 5,75

TextilWirtschaft Nr. 36 vom 03.09.1998 Seite 106

Business Industrie

Red/Green unter vollen Segeln

Dänen steigerten ihren Deutschland-Umsatz von 35 auf 42 Mill. DM

Umgerechnet 105 Mill. DM Umsatz erzielte das dänische Unternehmen Red/Green weltweit im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 1997/98 (31. März). Das ist gegenüber dem Vorjahr, als man auf 90 Mill. DM kam, ein Plus von rund 17 %. Überdurchschnittlich entwickelte sic

[5092 Zeichen] € 5,75

TextilWirtschaft Nr. 36 vom 04.09.1997 Seite 055


45. Helsinki International Fashion Fair: Aufschwung langsam zu spüren

Finnen setzen auf ihre Stärken

wr Helsinki - Das tiefe Tal scheint überwunden. Die finnischen Bekleidungshersteller blicken optimistisch in die Zukunft. Die Inlandsnachfrage steigt. Unverändert stabil zeigen sich die Zahlen der Aussteller und Fachbesucher der Helsinki International F

[2591 Zeichen] € 5,75
