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Food Service Nr.01 vom 06.01.2004 Seite 055


Sensationeller Umsatzerfolg

'Alles rund ums Essen' lautet das Motto des im Mai 2003 eröffneten 'Globus am Bellevue' in Zürich. Und ­ hm! ­ weder visuell noch kulinarisch hätte man dieses Konzept Appetit anregender interpretieren können. 15 Mio. sfr hat der Schweizer Warenhauskonzern in die Kombination aus Feinkost-Handel, moderner Gastronomie und Fachgeschäft für Küche und Tisch investiert. Mitten drin: ein 'Edel Food Court' mit vier Counter- service-Modulen, 100 Sitzplätzen, eigenen Öffnungszeiten und bis zu 900.000 sfr Monatsumsatz. Damit ist der Gastro-Part derzeit gar Erlös-Zugpferd N° 1 des neuartigen Projekts. Kein Zweifel: Hier trommelt handelsgastronomische Zukunftsmusik.

[10227 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe Nr.04 vom 20.11.2003 Seite 010

Stadium F&B

Bigger, Better, Quicker

The trend in stadium foodservice is towards more: more menu variety, more upscale offerings, more corporate hospitality, more entertainment experience. Anyone in the sport-stadium business wanting to stand a chance against live TV broadcasts and multi-function arenas must continuously optimise their catering arrangements. The challenge is to maximise output in the minimum time because the window of selling opportunities is mostly only very short. Being fast, good and flexible, that's the name of the game. The key to the future: business seats, VIP boxes, commercial events or - in Germany - the FIFA World Cup 2006. A pan-European overview focusing on (soccer) stadiums.

[43076 Zeichen] Tooltip
GER: Soccer Stadiums for the World Cup 2006 - by seating capacity

Erdgeschoss Color Line Arena

USA: Top 5 Stadiums
€ 5,75

Food Service Europe Nr.03 vom 21.08.2003 Seite 010

Coffee Bars

Growing - but at a Slower Pace

Over the last years no other subject has generated so much hope of growth in the away-from-home market as coffee bars. In many countries, coffee bars are one of the hottest segments. Starbucks, the US brand, is seen as the archetype. The bars represent chances for multi-concept restaurant companies, young entrepreneurs and, of course, the roasters and the coffee-machine manufacturers. All efforts are aimed at the young generation, more and more of whom prefer to go without coffee unless it goes hand-in-hand with the appropriate lifestyle setting. The (European) coffee bar strongholds are London and Barcelona. And everybody is watching what the people from Seattle do in the Old World. Part II of a Paneuropean survey.

[37440 Zeichen] Tooltip
SCAN: Coffee Bars 02

Starbucks in Europe

Spain: Top 10 Coffee Bars 2002
€ 5,75

Food Service Europe Trend Edition 2003 vom 22.07.2003 Seite 006

Food & Beverage

I Am what I Eat

'Good-for-me' still is a very important argument in the consumer's decision-making matrix. And wellness is still the catchword. The rising star on the menus is feel-good food: low in fat, rich in vitamins and proteins, with a strong flavour profile, great taste and good looking. Although organic products still are a niche, demand is growing as guests became more critical about the origins of the food they consume. Their search for honesty and trust is immense. Freshness stays one of the most powerful sales words, linking confidence with enjoyment and radiating energy, emotion and experience: on offer is lifestyle, not (only) food. Mediterranean and Asian cuisine continue to dominate the ethnic cooking scene, followed at a considerable distance by North African, Indian and Lebanese flavours and dishes, which sell with imagination. Emotions, fantasy and eatertainment are gaining importance as selling arguments. Authenticity is a must. The dishes of tomorrow will be smaller, lighter, fresher and more varied: nomad eating - eat any time, any where, any meal - will increase. And: the customers of the future will be much more critical and health conscious. Individualism and the wish for flexibility will become much stronger: I am what I eat. 12 statements from 9 countries.

[26579 Zeichen] Tooltip
Future Development

Bread Culture

Germany: Rising Food Stars 2003
€ 5,75

Food Service Europe Nr.01 vom 25.02.2003 Seite 010


Shooting Star Sandwich

In 1760, card-playing John Montague, the Earl of Sandwich, asked for some beef between slices of bread to avoid interrupting the game. The versatile meal concept quickly became fashionable and today sandwich bars - offering their core product made-to-order and/or prepackaged - are the fastest growing quickservice category in some countries. UK, Ireland, France and Spain undoubtedly are the main players here, with chains comprising 80 to 800+ branches. Only few of them have expanded abroad yet. As competition by bakeries, coffee shops, food retailers or C-Stores becomes fiercer, the major players are constantly extending their product range as well as recipes, store designs and sales systems.

[38958 Zeichen] Tooltip
UK: Top 10 Sandwich Brands

UK: Distribution Channels - in the away-from-home sandwitch market

F: Top 10 Sandwich Brands
€ 5,75

Food Service Europe Nr.04 vom 22.11.2002 Seite 010


Only a few US Chains

In Europe, pure steakhouse chains emerged in UK in the 50s, in France in the late 60s and in Scandinavia and Germany in the 70s. However, it was not until the late 80s that they reached Portugal, Spain and Italy, where chain operations still are in their early stage. Located centrally or as freestanders, often with farmhouse design or (modern) Argentine style, they all offer tableservice and are focused on grilled meat (up to 50% of sales). Average checks are about EUR 15-30 and sales go up to EUR 2-3 m/unit. After 2000, BSE and foot-and-mouth disease created great consumer uncertainty and many steakhouses expanded their menus to include fish, chicken and vegetarian alternatives. The demand for meat has been rising again since it has been possible to give consumers assurances about its origins. This has encouraged some chains to expand internationally - and not just within Europe. Interesting in this connection is the fact that US concepts hardly ever succeeded in Europe.

[42174 Zeichen] Tooltip
UK: Top Steakhouses

UK: Pub Chains with Steaks

UK Steak Sales - beef frying/grilling steak -
€ 5,75

Food Service Europe Nr.03 vom 29.08.2002 Seite 008

Pizza Concepts

'Pizza Unlimited'

In May (2/02) we portrayed the British, Spanish, French and Italian pizza markets, now follows part II of our Paneuropean survey. Everywhere, competition is getting fiercer by the day, especially in big cities where competitors tend to be within walking distance and frozen pizzas can be bought from retailers on virtually every street corner. Almost all markets are dominated by one-man/family operations while the majority of fullservice and home-delivery chains operate within their national borders. Europe's big players have been hesitant in risking the (not always successful) step into foreign markets. Nevertheless international expansion is very likely to be an extensive process of learning by doing for many of Europe's big players. As a low-priced product capable of a wide variety of interpretations, the pizza is still distinguished by a broad demographic appeal.

[34964 Zeichen] Tooltip
Pizza in Poland

Germany: Top 5 Pizza Players

Pizza Chains - US Sales/Units - 2001 -
€ 5,75

Food Service Nr.06 vom 11.06.2002 Seite 026

Fun & Foodservice

Zuversichtliche Expo-nomie

Seit 15. Mai empfiehlt sich die schweizerische Landesausstellung Expo.02 im idyllischen Drei-Seen-Land für 159 Tage als Plattform für zukunftsweisende Architektur und inhaltsschwere Themen. Unter dem Motto 'ImagiNation' sollen die vier Arteplages in Biel, Neuchâtel, Murten und Yverdon-les-Bains viel zum Bild einer multikulturellen, weltoffenen Schweiz beitragen. Man erwartet 10,5 Mio. Eintritte, generiert durch 4,8 Mio. Besucher, die mehrfach kommen. Höchstens 30 % davon aus dem angrenzenden Ausland: Man hat sich durchweg national positioniert. 85 % aller Besucher, so kalkuliert man, werden die 36 vielseitigen, nationalen und internationalen Foodservice-Angebote frequentieren. Bei 14 sfr erwartetem Durchschnittsbon ergibt dies einen F&B-Gesamtumsatz von fast 125 Mio. sfr. Das gesamte Konzessionsvolumen liegt bei 15,5 Mio. sfr.

[16712 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Nr.04 vom 18.04.2002 Seite 094


Pralle Neuheiten

Wer sich in Sachen konzeptioneller Weiterentwicklung bei der Schweizer Manor-Gruppe auf den neuesten Stand bringen will, der sollte ins Emmen Center fahren. Heller und größer ist dort nicht nur das Center selbst nach einem Gesamtumbau erstrahlt ­ hier prüft die größte Warenhauskette der Alpenrepublik zugleich ein neues Gastronomie- und Supermarkt-Konzept auf Zukunfts- und Multiplikationstauglichkeit. Beide jungen Ansätze verschreiben sich massiv den Themen Frische und Transparenz ­ "das trifft den Zeitgeist", so die Macher.

[8132 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe Nr.01 vom 28.02.2002 Seite 010


Shopping Centres with... ...Railway Connections

Most of Europe's biggest railway stations are well over 100 years old. Their architecture is cultural history. And inside? The nineties were a decade of modernisation. The railway operators saw that these highly frequented places were also ideal for shopping and foodservice. The result: shopping centres, especially for quickservice brands, with bakery-snack concepts of all kinds topping the popularity poll.

[39244 Zeichen] Tooltip
Areas Group - at railway stations (total)

Spain: Local Services - millions of travellers

Termini, Rome: F&B Outlets
€ 5,75
