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    Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.02 vom 15.04.2008 Seite 008

    Fish & Seafood

    On the Crest of a Wave

    Fish and seafood are on trend, providing diverse enjoyment and fulfilling the desire for a light, healthy diet. In recent years, sales of fish and seafood have grown considerably, both in the food retailing and eat-out sector. From a gastronomic perspective, fish is and will remain a theme for broad-spectrum suppliers and a few specialists. Only one chain, Germany's Nordsee, has succeeded in gaining a foothold in several European countries. Increasingly, guests are focused on excellent quality and sustainable fish production. A market report from several European countries and the USA.

    [50067 Zeichen] Tooltip
    D: Fish Favourites

    US: Top 12 Seafood Chains 2006
    € 5,75

    Food Service Europe Nr.04 vom 08.11.2001 Seite 010

    Fish & Seafood

    The Ocean's Specialists

    There are not many chains in Europe specialising in fish and seafood that do not serve beef, pork and chicken. This is even true of countries with a great fishing tradition. Nevertheless, this is a future-oriented product with increasing demands. An overview of the quick and fullservice segments, including a glance at the USA.

    [29261 Zeichen] Tooltip
    Nordsee Stores
    € 5,75