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FoodService Europe & Middle East 2 vom 30.04.2018 Seite 16,17,18,19,20,21

Hot Trend

Hot Dogs: The Next Cool Thing

The better burger boom paved the way for the comeback of another long familiar fast-food veteran: it is not only in Europe that hot dogs have been a street-food staple for a good many decades. Uncomplicated and easily affordable, popular with countless fans of hot sausages. Recently, a large number of foodservice start-ups have recognised that there is still some way to go in terms of quality and price and have dressed up the plain old classic to give it a new, sexier image: better, fresher, bolder. MW

[20711 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 5 vom 04.10.2016 Seite 8,10,12,13,14,16,17,18

Chicken Concepts

From Everyday to Cool and Trendy

Poultry is one of the most versatile foodstuffs and, accordingly, an indispensable aspect of regional cooking, not to mention a variety of foodservice concepts from fast food to, at least, casual dining. Inexpensive to buy, perceived as healthy and compatible with most eating trends and ideologies, chicken & co. are to be found on almost every menu. And increasingly as the star products of special concepts that are rediscovering poultry and giving it a creative boost. Part 2 of our pan- European surveys on chicken concepts.

[31650 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 2 vom 18.04.2016 Seite 16,17,18,19,20

Hot Trend

A Tribute to Taste

Although beer consumption in general is characterised by limited to negative growth in many European countries, a niche trend has gathered pace rapidly over recent years: craft beer is on everyone’s lips. Far and wide, ardent beer freaks are founding microbreweries and creating individual artisan beers characterised by innovative taste profiles, small quantities and high standards of quality. In many cases, they offer their products in an adjoining brewery pub that, with an eye to younger target groups, is cool and relaxed and supplemented by national and international craft beers. Established brewers have also discovered the cult theme and are now deeply involved. Among the integral aspects of the trend are craft-beer events of all kinds, including tastings and courses of instruction. MW

[23605 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 5 vom 20.10.2015 Seite 18,19,20,21,22

Hot Trend

Exciting Movement

The phenomenon is only a few years old, but it has long taken the capitals of Europe by storm: street food, best in the form of markets and festivals. Given the huge rush of enthusiastic street-food consumers, one wonders where all the demand comes from – or drifts from. Street-food markets, with or without food trucks, under a roof or in the open, are more than a passing hype; they are increasingly establishing themselves as permanent or returning institutions and tell a great deal about the preferences of young city consumers when it comes to the type and quality of food eaten out. We feature a selection of the most exciting start-ups. MW

[21174 Zeichen] € 5,75

FoodService Europe & Middle East 2 vom 21.04.2015 Seite 22,23,24,25

Hot Trend

Places to Unwind

Outdoor eating places are more popular among city dwellers than ever before. Barely have the first signs of spring arrived before guests begin filling the terraces – the most coveted places have an idyllic country atmosphere but are only a stone’s throw from the city, if not downtown itself – and that’s possible anywhere a river flows through the city centre. In many cases, municipalities and project developers are turning their attention to urban river banks and transforming them from neglected commercial or industrial spaces into areas where people can relax and feel at home, especially when foodservice outlets are close at hand (Part 2). MW

[17910 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.04 vom 19.08.2011 Seite 020

Hot Trend

Dinner with a View

Eating and drinking in lofty heights is a special pleasure - especially al fresco and with a free view of the surrounding landscape. And that holiday feeling is an automatic by-product. Although the natural habitat of rooftop restaurants is in southern climes, especially North Africa, sun-hungry Central and North Europeans are particularly fond of this kind of open-air experience. Naturally, the outdoor business is more or less limited to the warmer months in moderate climates. And some rooftops are only open seasonally or depending on the weather conditions - a typical constellation for hotels, as a supplementary source of business. Also widespread is a combination of open and covered space. We take a look over the roofs of Europe. MW

[24578 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.05 vom 25.10.2010 Seite 018

Hot Trend

Fun Is the Name of the Game!

When the family wants to eat out, it's generally the kids who decide where they are going. And that's a convincing reason why restaurants should try to curry favour with this young target group. The pioneers were the QSR matadors with Junior Bags, etc. Now, other players, including fine-dining concepts, are following along the same lines. The million-dollar question when it comes to children's menus is whether to bank on old, straight-forward favourites or to carefully introduce young guests to more sophisticated dishes with a higher nutritional value. Whatever the route taken, the chance to participate and have fun is crucial for the little guests (and their parents). MW

[21133 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.03 vom 28.06.2010 Seite 018

Hot Trend

Let Us Infotain You!

Maintaining good relations with their client base - that is the most important task of customer magazines in the foodservice industry. Cultivating the company's image while entertaining its clientele with a mixture of promotion, information and emotion: a brand experience that goes far beyond the visit to the restaurant itself. The advantage of the printed magazine over the online alternatives, which have become the preferred option for not a few foodservice brands these days, is that they can reach all the regulars when they come into the restaurant - also those who do not have access to the internet. Yet, increasingly, a twin-track approach is the order of the day: more and more customer magazines are now also available online. MW

[19547 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.01 vom 16.02.2010 Seite 018

Hot Trend

Colour Your Nights!

So colourful, so striking: the club scene has an aversion to categorical standards. Listening to music played live or by a DJ, dancing, lounging, eating, drinking, having fun, seeing and being seen - all weighted differently but with the same aim: to create the ideal place to be. Trends? Today, hip nightlife destinations often include fine-dining facilities. And regardless of whether the styling is puristic, opulent or deliberately shabby, they all rely on lighting to create the desired atmosphere. Drenched in psychedelic colours thanks to ultra-modern technology, state-of-the-art clubs are in effect developing into intoxicating works of multi-media art. MW

[12878 Zeichen] € 5,75

Food Service Europe & Middle East Nr.01 vom 16.02.2009 Seite 018

Hot Trend

Exclusive Retreats for High Yield Passengers

Premium customers are the most coveted in the airline business. In the battle to attract this high-grade clientele, more and more airlines are banking on pre-flight services. Hence, a general improvement of lounge facilities can be observed worldwide. First and business class customers, as well as frequent flyers, can take advantage of luxuriously equipped airline lounges meeting five-star standards. A luxury, by the way, that can also be purchased without frequent flyer miles thanks to companies such as Priority Pass. Increasingly, the upgrading programme also includes a range of food & beverages that is no longer limited to a selection of snacks. Here is an overview including some examples of lounges run by the airport operators or ground services contractors themselves. MW

[28661 Zeichen] Tooltip
Best 1st Class Lounges - Skytrax-Ranking 2008
€ 5,75
